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Тайное место by Тана Френч
Тайное место
Тана Френч
Тайное место by Тана Френч

Тайное место

By: Тана Френч

Narrated by: Кирилл Радциг & Юлия Яблонская

Length: 21 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Тана Френч "Тайное место" – новый остросюжетный роман королевы ирландского детектива, "ирландской Донны Тартт". В дорогой частной школе для девочек на доске объявлений однажды появляется снимок улыбающегося парня из соседней мужской школы. Поверх лица мальчишки надпись из вырезанных букв – "Я ЗНАЮ КТО ЕГО УБИЛ". Крис был убит уже почти год... Read more

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التانكي by عالية ممدوح
عالية ممدوح
التانكي by عالية ممدوح


By: عالية ممدوح

Narrated by: محمد نصرالله

Length: 6 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

كلمة التانكي كلمة مُستمدّة من معناها الإنجليزي تُستعمل في اللهجة العراقية بمعنى الخزانوهي أيضاً شارع الأنتليجنسيا العراقية في النصف الثاني من القرن الماضي، هو شارع تلك النخبة التي فرّقتها المنافي وشرّدتها الحروب وقضت دبابات المارينز وعمائم الطائفية على أحلامها الوردية بعراق حديث ومتنوّر ومتعدد، وحوّلته إلى مكان للمحو والعمى ،الرواية تنشغل بعلاقة... Read more

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Dr. Blanco Rivera: hacedor de tragedias by Nathalia Tórtora
Dr. Blanco Rivera: hacedor de tragedias
Nathalia Tórtora
Dr. Blanco Rivera: hacedor de tragedias by Nathalia Tórtora

Dr. Blanco Rivera: hacedor de tragedias

By: Nathalia Tórtora

Narrated by: María Daniela Romero

Length: 3 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

El navío francés arribó poco antes de una madrugada otoñal. En Buenos Aires no hubo quien recibiese al único pasajero que descendió, envuelto en la sombra de la noche y bajo un sombrero que era demasiado grande para su cabeza. Cuando el amanecer porteño despertó a los primeros habitantes de la ciudad, algunas horas después del desembarco, La... Read more

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Притчи о Насреддине by Коллектив авторов
Притчи о Насреддине
Коллектив авторов
Притчи о Насреддине by Коллектив авторов

Притчи о Насреддине

By: Коллектив авторов

Narrated by: Илья Прудовский

Length: 3 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Притчи о мудром и находчивом, остроумном и хитром Насреддине, который умеет выходить победителем из самых сложных жизненных ситуаций, рассказывают на всей территории Средней Азии и Ближнего Востока, в Закавказье и на Балканах. Разные народы знают его под различными именами: узбеки и турки – как Ходжу Насреддина, азербайджанцы и чеченцы – как... Read more

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Katil Kim by Stefan Zweig
Katil Kim
Stefan Zweig
Katil Kim by Stefan Zweig

Katil Kim

By: Stefan Zweig

Narrated by: Şebnem Ünaldı

Length: 1 hour 21 minutes

Abridged: No

"Şahsen ben, katilin o olduğundan neredeyse eminim. Ama tartışmasız bir şekilde bu konuyu kapatacak bir kanıtım yok. Şüphelerimi bastırmak, özellikle de diğer insanların önünde hiçbir şey yokmuş gibi davranmam gerek. Fakat onunla ne zaman karşılaşsam, o tereddütsüz, dostça tavrıyla ne zaman bana yaklaşsa kalbim yerinden çıkacakmış gibi oluyor.... Read more

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All inclusive – Les Confessions d'un escort Partie 3 by Vanessa Salt
All inclusive – Les Confessions d'un escort Partie 3
Vanessa Salt
All inclusive – Les Confessions d'un escort Partie 3 by Vanessa Salt

All inclusive – Les Confessions d'un escort Partie 3

By: Vanessa Salt

Narrated by: Jacques Opo

Length: 1 hour 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Liam continue de raconter son histoire et la manière dont il est devenu l'escort le plus prisé de Stockholm dans cette troisième partie de " All inclusive – Les Confessions d'un escort ". Liam, son professeur particulier de français, Mia, l'amie de celle-ci, Célie, ainsi que l'aventureuse Claudia se retrouvent dans un restaurant luxueux pour... Read more

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A Throne for Sisters (Books 5 and 6) by Morgan Rice
A Throne for Sisters (Books 5 and 6)
Morgan Rice
A Throne for Sisters (Books 5 and 6) by Morgan Rice

A Throne for Sisters (Books 5 and 6)

By: Morgan Rice

Narrated by: Kieran T. Flitton

Length: 12 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

“Morgan Rice's imagination is limitless. In another series that promises to be as entertaining as the previous ones, A THRONE OF SISTERS presents us with the tale of two sisters (Sophia and Kate), orphans, fighting to survive in a cruel and demanding world of an orphanage. An instant success. I can hardly wait to put my hands on the second and... Read more

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Avery Black Mystery Bundle: Cause to Hide (#3) and Cause to Fear (#4) by Blake Pierce
Avery Black Mystery Bundle: Cause to Hide (#3) and Cause to Fear (#4)
Blake Pierce
Avery Black Mystery Bundle: Cause to Hide (#3) and Cause to Fear (#4) by Blake Pierce

Avery Black Mystery Bundle: Cause to Hide (#3) and Cause to Fear (#4)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Elaine Wise

Length: 13 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

“A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go.” --Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone) From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense. A bundle of books #3 (CAUSE TO HIDE) and #4 (CAUSE TO FEAR) in Blake Pierce’s Avery Black Mystery series!... Read more

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Riley Paige Mystery Bundle: Once Forsaken (#7) and Once Cold (#8) by Blake Pierce
Riley Paige Mystery Bundle: Once Forsaken (#7) and Once Cold (#8)
Blake Pierce
Riley Paige Mystery Bundle: Once Forsaken (#7) and Once Cold (#8) by Blake Pierce

Riley Paige Mystery Bundle: Once Forsaken (#7) and Once Cold (#8)

By: Blake Pierce

Narrated by: Elaine Wise

Length: 15 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

A bundle of books #7 (ONCE FORSAKEN) and #8 (ONCE COLD) in Blake Pierce’s Riley Paige Mystery series—which begins with ONCE GONE, a #1 bestseller with over 900 five star reviews—and a free download! This bundle offers books #7 and #8 in one convenient file, with over 130,000 words of reading. In ONCE FORSAKEN, when Special Agent Riley Paige... Read more

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A Throne for Sisters (Books 2 and 3) by Morgan Rice
A Throne for Sisters (Books 2 and 3)
Morgan Rice
A Throne for Sisters (Books 2 and 3) by Morgan Rice

A Throne for Sisters (Books 2 and 3)

By: Morgan Rice

Narrated by: Wayne Farrell

Length: 12 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

“Morgan Rice's imagination is limitless. In another series that promises to be as entertaining as the previous ones, A THRONE OF SISTERS presents us with the tale of two sisters (Sophia and Kate), orphans, fighting to survive in a cruel and demanding world of an orphanage. An instant success. I can hardly wait to put my hands on the second and... Read more

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El club de los suicidas - Abridged by Robert Louis Stevenson
El club de los suicidas - Abridged
Robert Louis Stevenson
El club de los suicidas - Abridged by Robert Louis Stevenson

El club de los suicidas - Abridged

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

Narrated by: Leonel Arial

Length: 3 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Una noche el príncipe Florizel de Bohemia y su asistente el coronel Geraldine, de incógnito en una taberna de Londres, conocen a un curioso joven que les introduce en un extraño y exclusivo club: el de los Suicidas, en el que cada noche el azar decide quién debe morir y quien debe ser el ejecutor de esta muerte... A partir de aquí, se... Read more

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El Retrato - Abridged by Nikolái Gógol
El Retrato - Abridged
Nikolái Gógol
El Retrato - Abridged by Nikolái Gógol

El Retrato - Abridged

By: Nikolái Gógol

Narrated by: Leonel Arial

Length: 2 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La compra de un cuadro muy insólito transforma total y completamente la vida de Chartkov, quien es un joven pintor, en el mencionado retrato subsiste una fuerza maligna sobrenatural que provoca cosas malas en todos los que se acercan a él. Una mezcla de sátira social, fantasía, realismo y compasión, muchas situaciones y disyuntivas atravesará... Read more

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El cuento de la serpiente verde - Abridged by J. W. von Goethe
El cuento de la serpiente verde - Abridged
J. W. von Goethe
El cuento de la serpiente verde - Abridged by J. W. von Goethe

El cuento de la serpiente verde - Abridged

By: J. W. von Goethe

Narrated by: Miguel de Ugarte

Length: 1 hour 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La Serpiente Verde es uno de los cuentos fantásticos más seductores de J. W. Goethe. La alquimia de sus palabras domina y doblega las fuerzas mágicas de la naturaleza hasta convertir los sueños en realidad y transformar las enojosas cargas de la vida en nuevas esperanzas e ilusiones. Gracias a una refinada búsqueda filosófica y estética del... Read more

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Una partida de ajedrez - Abridged by Stefan Zweig
Una partida de ajedrez - Abridged
Stefan Zweig
Una partida de ajedrez - Abridged by Stefan Zweig

Una partida de ajedrez - Abridged

By: Stefan Zweig

Narrated by: Miguel de Ugarte

Length: 2 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El campeón mundial de ajedrez, Mirko Czentovic, viaja en un buque de vapor desde Nueva York hacia Buenos Aires a disputar un torneo. McConnor, un obstinado pasajero aficionado, desde que se entera de su presencia no descansa hasta lograr jugar una partida con él, pero no le sale barato: doscientos cincuenta dólares por partida es el precio de... Read more

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Pabellón 6 - Abridged by Antón Chéjov
Pabellón 6 - Abridged
Antón Chéjov
Pabellón 6 - Abridged by Antón Chéjov

Pabellón 6 - Abridged

By: Antón Chéjov

Narrated by: Staff Audiolibros Colección

Length: 2 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Andréi Yefímych, doctor e intelectual de un sórdido e insalubre sanatorio mental de provincias, donde la violencia y la fuerza bruta se ejercen contra los internos, entabla una curiosa relación de amistad con uno de sus pacientes, Iván Dmítrich. Este encuentro tambaleará las estoicas e ingenuas creencias de Andréi, precipitándolo así hacia el... Read more

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El diablo de la botella - Abridged by Robert Louis Stevenson
El diablo de la botella - Abridged
Robert Louis Stevenson
El diablo de la botella - Abridged by Robert Louis Stevenson

El diablo de la botella - Abridged

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

Narrated by: Franco Patiño

Length: 1 hour 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Keawe es un hawaiano que decide conocer otras tierras y se embarca en un buque que se dirige a San Francisco, donde descubre una casa preciosa, cuyo dueño parece triste y solo. Keawe se pregunta cómo el dueño de una casa tan hermosa puede ser tan infeliz. Tras enseñarle su mansión, el anciano le muestra una botella de vidrio blanco en cuyo... Read more

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Double Talk by Cupido and others
Double Talk
Cupido and others
Double Talk by Cupido and others

Double Talk

By: Cupido and others

Narrated by: Alessandra Anderson

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories:"They started one of those stop-start who-what-where conversations, but their eyes were... Read more

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Наполеонов обоз. Книга 1. Рябиновый клин by Дина Рубина
Наполеонов обоз. Книга 1. Рябиновый клин
Дина Рубина
Наполеонов обоз. Книга 1. Рябиновый клин by Дина Рубина

Наполеонов обоз. Книга 1. Рябиновый клин

By: Дина Рубина

Narrated by: Дина Рубина & Борис Карафелов

Length: 15 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Главное, что есть в моем новом романе "Наполеонов обоз", это любовь - такая, какая выпадает не каждой паре, снести которую не каждому дано. Аристарх и Надежда встречаются в детстве, вырастают в этой огромной любви, пока не сталкиваются с предательством, сломавшем их жизни, перевернувшем все намерения и планы. Жизнь вышвырнула каждого за пределы... Read more

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Spiele - Kommissar Carl Edson, Band 2 (ungekürzt) by Bo Svernström
Spiele - Kommissar Carl Edson, Band 2 (ungekürzt)
Bo Svernström
Spiele - Kommissar Carl Edson, Band 2 (ungekürzt) by Bo Svernström

Spiele - Kommissar Carl Edson, Band 2 (ungekürzt)

By: Bo Svernström

Narrated by: Wolfgang Wagner

Length: 13 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Robert Lindström hütet ein Geheimnis: In einem Wutanfall tötete er seinen besten Freund. Aber war es wirklich so? Als Elfjähriger des Mordes beschuldigt, wurde er angesichts seines Alters nie verurteilt. Als Erwachsener lebt er zurückgezogen. Bis ihn Lexa kontaktiert. Sie ist Journalistin und schreibt ein Buch über den Fall. Ihre Theorie: Robert... Read more

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Weiß (ungekürzte Lesung) by Han Kang
Weiß (ungekürzte Lesung)
Han Kang
Weiß (ungekürzte Lesung) by Han Kang

Weiß (ungekürzte Lesung)

By: Han Kang

Narrated by: Rike Schmid

Length: 1 hour 37 minutes

Abridged: No

"Ich glaube, dass dies die besten Worte für einen Abschied sind. Bitte stirb nicht. Lebe." Während eines Aufenthalts in einer europäischen Stadt, die im weißen Winterschlaf liegt, überfällt die Erzählerin plötzlich die Erinnerung an ihre Schwester, die als Neugeborenes in den Armen der Mutter starb. Sie ringt mit dieser Tragödie, die das Leben... Read more

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The Glass Kingdom by Lawrence Osborne
The Glass Kingdom
Lawrence Osborne
The Glass Kingdom by Lawrence Osborne

The Glass Kingdom

By: Lawrence Osborne

Narrated by: Sura Siu

Length: 9 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK • A NEW YORK TIMES EDITORS’ CHOICE • A tense, stunningly well-observed novel of a young American on the run, from Lawrence Osborne, “an heir to Graham Greene” (The New York Times Book Review)
“Bangkok is the star of this accomplished novel. Its denizens are aliens to themselves, glittering on the horizon of their... Read more

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Romancing the Kicker by Catherine Lane
Romancing the Kicker
Catherine Lane
Romancing the Kicker by Catherine Lane

Romancing the Kicker

By: Catherine Lane

Narrated by: Abby Craden

Length: 8 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Parker Sherbourne has a talent for sports and seduction—and the body to prove it. When the High Rollers, the professional football team from Las Vegas, chase after her to be their point-after specialist, she jumps at the chance. Sure, the position is only a publicity stunt, but she has always been able to turn any situation to her... Read more

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El Laberinto de los Espiritus by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
El Laberinto de los Espiritus
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
El Laberinto de los Espiritus by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

El Laberinto de los Espiritus

By: Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Narrated by: Jordi Boixaderas

Length: 30 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

El Laberinto de los Espíritus es un relato electrizante de pasiones, intrigas y aventuras. A través de sus páginas llegaremos al gran final de la saga iniciada con La Sombra del Viento, que alcanza aquí toda su intensidad y calado, a la vez que dibuja un gran homenaje al mundo de los libros, al arte de narrar historias y al vínculo mágico entre... Read more

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The Hardest Fall by Christina Lee
The Hardest Fall
Christina Lee
The Hardest Fall by Christina Lee

The Hardest Fall

By: Christina Lee

Narrated by: Iggy Toma & Tristan James

Length: 6 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

After licking his wounds from a painful relationship, Tate Sullivan is ready to move back home. He picks up where he left off as drag queen extraordinaire Frieda Love in a West Village bar in New York City. He doesn't expect to be drawn to the mysterious man with the dark eyes who shows up to every single performance—flirtatiously eyeing Tate... Read more

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